Featured Products

Buttercream Lip Balm
Chai Tea Lip Balm
Coconut Lime Verbena Beach Waves
Chamomile & Roses Beach Waves
Birthday Cake Beach Waves
Lemon Beach Waves
Lemongrass Mint Beach Waves
Mountain Man Beach Waves
Strawberry Detangler
Mahogany Teakwood Detangler

Product Highlights

Thai Coconut Beach Waves

Thai Coconut Beach Waves

Our #1 best seller. Get the tousled look you love with our minimal ingredient, eco-friendly sea salt spray. This has a subtle scent of fresh coconut with a tiny hint of sweetness.

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Strawberry Hair Detangler

Strawberry Detangler

Help ease the brushing process for you or your little ones with our Hair Detangler. Great for those with curly, snarly or unruly hair. Think of juicy, ripe strawberries just picked off the vine.

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Lumberjack Beard Tonic

Lumberjack Beard Tonic

Our Beard Tonic will help promote a healthier looking beard and aid in moisturizing the skin beneath it. A musky scent comprised of bergamont, lemon, sandalwood and a hint of jasmine.

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